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жиросжигатели on natural bases
Vitamins and mineral complexes
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Balanced diet of sportsmen

Balanced diet of sportsmen

Table of contents


Mineral substances — macro-and microcells

Food and biological value of vegetables, greens, кореньев, grasses, fruit and berries

Water and thirst

Digestion mechanisms

Comprehensibility and culinary processing of food

Power exchange at physical work

Diets and modes of trainings in different kinds of sports

The basic requirements to a mode and a food allowance in days of competitions

How to observe a drinking mode, not losing the sports form

A food and correction of weight of a body

Products of the raised biological value or special food additives for sportsmen

A food of young sportsmen

A food of the sportsman-fan, or the athlete

Widespread errors of a food engaged in mass physical training

The basic specifications of a food

Propagation and the balanced diet organisation in sport club (on a bodybuilding example)

About some questions at issue of a science on a food of sportsmen

Questions and answers

The APPENDIX 1. Approximate food allowances in different kinds of the sports, the Russia developed by leading experts (under the guidance of professor A.P.Lapteva)

Group I. Sports kinds on endurance

P.Skorostno-silovye's group sports kinds

Group III. Sports

The APPENDIX 2. High quality signs
The basic foodstuff

The APPENDIX 3. The list of the Food additives resolved
To application by manufacture of foodstuff
(СанПиН 2)

The list of the used literature


Vitamins are a group of low-molecular irreplaceable factors of food which possess the expressed biological activity, contain in food in insignificant quantities and cannot be synthesised in a human body. The role of vitamins consists in maintenance of some каталитических reactions in which process many of them participate in formation of components of enzymes (коферментов). The number of the known vitamins having direct value for a food and health, reaches twenty. All of them are of great importance in regulation of a metabolism and physiological functions. We will consider some of vitamins in such aspects, as distribution, a biological role and signs of their insufficiency in food.
Vitamins divide on two groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble.
Vitamins A, D, E and To are fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin A (ретинол) contains in such products of an animal origin, as a liver of animals and fishes, a butter, an egg yolk, in phytogenesis products, especially in various kinds of vegetables (carrots are most known in this plan). In fruits and fruit provitamin A (carotin) also contains.
Vitamin A is necessary for process of growth, maintenance of normal sight. It promotes growth and regeneration of integuments and mucous membranes. In the absence of this vitamin there is a drying and ороговение fabrics owing to what infections often develop. Defeat of a cornea and a connecting fabric of eyes can lead to full loss of sight.
Group D vitamins (кальциферолы) contain in fish products, in a smaller measure — in dairy products. Under the influence of a sunlight the organism can synthesise itself this vitamin from defined predshe -
ственников — provitamins. Insufficiency of vitamin D causes infringement of an exchange of calcium and phosphorus that is accompanied by a softening, deformation of bones and other symptoms of a rickets.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) contains in significant amounts in vegetable oils, germs of seeds of cereals (barley, an oats, a rye and wheat), and also in green vegetables. It is known, that vitamin E can prevent oxidation of some substances (антиоксидантное action). At animals insufficiency of this vitamin is shown mainly in infringements of functions of muscles and sexual glands.
Vitamin K (филлохинон) contains in vegetables (spinach, a green peas, etc.), fish, meat. Insufficiency of this vitamin at the person can arise at infringement резорбции (всасывания) in a gastroenteric path (for example, at illnesses of a liver and a bilious bubble) or the termination of its synthesis by intestines bacteria. Absence of vitamin K is shown mainly in occurrence of bleedings as this vitamin participates in formation important for curling of blood of substance — протромбина.
From group of water-soluble vitamins we will consider group vitamins In, vitamin C and биофлавоноиды (vitamin).
Vitamin B1 (тиамин) contains, first of all, in germs and covers of seeds of grain crops, in yeast, nuts, bean, and also in some products of an animal origin — heart, a liver, kidneys. A rich source of this vitamin is black bread. As a component of some enzymes тиамин has great value in an exchange of carbohydrates, for example, at a stage декарбоксилирования пировиноградной acids. It also takes part in transformation of amino acids, is involved in an albuminous and fatty exchange. Therefore with receipt increase in an organism of carbohydrates the requirement for this vitamin increases. The same occurs and at increase in intensity of a power exchange. Insufficiency of this vitamin causes heavy infringements of nervous system (полиневрит).
Vitamin В2 (рибофлавин) contains in significant amounts in a liver, kidneys, yeast, dairy products. The biological role of this vitamin is caused by that it is a part some enzymes, катализирующих oxidation-reduction reactions, and also enzymes of an exchange of amino acids and oxidation of fat acids. Therefore at В2-авитаминозе processes of fabric breath that causes a growth inhibition, the strengthened disintegration of fabric fibers, decrease in number of leukocytes in blood, infringements of function of bodies of digestion are weakened. Increase in a diet of quantity of carbohydrates and fats conducts to requirement increase in рибофлавине.
Vitamin В6 (пиридоксин) arrives in an organism as a part of such products as wheat flour, bean, yeast, a liver, kidneys and some other, and also is developed by intestines microbes. Being a part fermen-tov-transaminaz, катализирующих reamination of amino acids, пиридоксин plays the important role in an albuminous exchange. The great value vitamin В6 has also in an exchange of fats (липотропный effect), in кроветворении, in regulation of acidity and gastric secretion. Displays of insufficiency of vitamin В6 at animals are a growth inhibition, spasms etc. The requirement of the person for vitamin В6 increases with increase in quantity of fibers as a part of food, and also at physical activities.
To group vitamins In carry also nicotinic acid (vitamin РР). The person receives nicotinic acid in bread, in various groats, a liver, meat, fish. The mechanism of biological action of vitamin РР is connected with its participation in functioning of a considerable quantity of enzymes, катализирующих processes of fabric breath by hydrogen carrying over. Insufficiency of nicotinic acid causes пеллагру — the disease shown in a combination дерматита, infringements of function of intestines and a mentality pathology.
Vitamin В12 (цианокобаламин) arrives in a human body as a part of products of an animal origin (a liver, kidneys, fish). The biological role цианокобаламина consists in антианемическом action, and also in its participation in synthesis of amino acids and nucleinic acids. At infringement of mastering of vitamin В12 the anaemia that is connected with oppression of formation of red blood little bodies develops.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) contains mainly in fresh vegetables and fruit. Rich sources of this vitamin are hips, a black currant, citron, fennel, sweet siliculose pepper, parsley, spinach, tomatoes, cabbage. Crushing and long storage, cooking and conservation of these products can lower considerably the maintenance in them of vitamin C.
The mechanism of action of ascorbic acid is connected with its ability to give and attach atom of hydrogen, that is with participation in oxidation-reduction processes. It is necessary for normal albuminous about -
мена, for formation of a connecting fabric, including in walls of blood vessels, for synthesis of steroid hormones of the adrenal glands playing the important role in adaptation of an organism at stressful situations, etc.
S-vitamin insufficiency causes heavy disease (scurvy), which is characterised by hemorrhages (owing to the raised fragility and permeability of walls of vessels), decrease in physical working capacity, easing of function of cardiovascular system, etc.
The requirement for ascorbic acid at intense muscular activity considerably increases. For increase of physical working capacity the strengthened supply of an organism by this vitamin is necessary. However its long consumption in the quantities considerably exceeding normal requirement, can lead to organism accustoming to the raised doses. In this case at returning to usual, normal quantities of vitamin C in a food there can be phenomena of its insufficiency.
It is established much in common (синергизм and parallelism) in operation vitamins C and R.Vitamin Р carry to биофлавоноидам which total reaches hundred fifty. Vitamin Р contains in vegetative products. It possesses капилляроукрепляющим action and ability to reduce permeability of walls of vessels. The mechanism of action of vitamin Р is connected with activation of oxidising processes. Insufficiency of vitamin Р in a food causes fragility of capillaries, геморрагию. Vitamin Р strengthens restoration дегидроаскорбиновой acids in the ascorbic.
The requirement for nutrients is characterised by considerable variability. For example, the requirement in кальции or gland can be at one person in two or three times more than at another. Individual requirements of the person for vitamins are even less precisely defined. Therefore quantity indicators of requirement for irreplaceable substances should be considered as rough diets for planning of healthy people.
Recently representations about a role of vitamins in an organism were enriched with new data. It is considered, that vitamins are capable to improve vnut-rennjuju environment, to raise functionality of the basic systems, stability of an organism to adverse factors. Hence, vitamins are considered by a modern science about a food as the important means of the general primary preventive maintenance of illnesses, increases of working capacity, delay of processes of ageing.
Different degrees of neediness of an organism are known for vitamins: avitaminosises — a full exhaustion of stocks of vitamins; гиповитаминозы — sharp decrease in security by that or other vitamin. However are dangerous as well гипервитаминозы — surplus of vitamins in an organism. Such situations at going in for sports essentially should not arise, as they will be excluded at observance of recommended food allowances. But there is a so-called subnormal security which is connected with deficiency of vitamins and it is shown in infringement of exchange processes in bodies and fabrics, but without obvious clinical signs. In our context it means — without visible changes in a condition of a skin, hair and other external displays. But all trouble that subnormal security easily passes in neediness of an organism of vitamins with all signs of trouble of an organism if such situation regularly repeats for various reasons.
Let's try to understand the possible reasons of an exhaustion of stocks of vitamins in an organism.
First of all, they are connected with quality of products and the dishes prepared from them: non-observance of conditions of storage on time and temperature, irrational culinary processing, for example long and repeated cooking of small cut vegetables for the purpose of destruction and disposal of nitrates and nitrites. Presence of antivitamin factors at a foodstuff (cabbage, parsley, a pumpkin, a potato, onions green, apples contain a number of the enzymes destroying vitamin C, especially at small резке). In salad from the cut onions with tomatoes at low acidity under the influence of a chlorophyll vitamin C and consequently it is rational to add table vinegar in this salad easily collapses.
Vitamin A collapses at illumination by ultra-violet beams, under the influence of oxygen of air or at strong and long heating. So presence of vitamins in the vegetable ragout prepared in country conditions, is problematic. It is necessary to take into consideration some difference in the maintenance of vitamins calculated on help materials for an average what grade or vegetables or fruit, and their real maintenance in a concrete product. The deviation can be both in that, and in other party.
Other group of the reasons is connected with our health, and first of all, with function of a gastroenteric path. At many extended hroni -
ческих illnesses it is broken всасывание or mastering of vitamins and minerals. That is vitamins in the eaten food was much or enough, but in blood and in their bodies has arrived a little. Congenital defects in an exchange of vitamins which it is difficult to guess even to the expert are possible also.
It is known also, that a number of vitamins: В12, В6, vitamin Н (biooozes) to us delivers useful microflora of intestines, therefore strong intestinal frustration, wrong reception of antibiotics and other medicines lead to creation of certain deficiency of these vitamins in an organism of the patient.
It is necessary to notice, that there are reasons on which the requirement for vitamins unexpectedly increases in comparison with a habitual condition. More often it occurs at infectious diseases and stress.
Probably someone in such cases also takes vitamins regularly, but more often at once forgets about it as soon as hardly will recover. Sharp change of a klimato-geographical zone also is always accompanied by increase of requirement for vitamins (especially With, Р, В1). Such physiological conditions of women as pregnancy and a lactation, demand cautious, but obligatory additional vitaminization.
In the conditions of ecological trouble damaging factors of an environment demand natural ways of protection of an organism. The main thing from them is reception of vitamins-antioxidants: With, And and B-carotin, Е.
The requirement for vitamins always increases at regular physical activities (trainings). On each additional one thousand kcals the requirement for vitamins increases on 33 %. And in case trainings long also are spent in an aerobic mode the requirement for vitamins C considerably grows, В1. At the intensive training connected with accumulation of muscular weight, it is required to an organism of more vitamin В6.
In tab. 6 the generalised data about the basic vitamins are cited. It is interesting to notice such fact, that our dependence on vitamins increases, when at a diet there is a defective fiber. It happens at a vegetarian diet, and also at incorrect treatment of rules of a food during the periods of sports preparation different in power inputs. It is necessary to observe norms of consumption of fiber even in days of trainings. Very much •важно to use meat and fish with difficult vegetable garnishes during time and after regular losses of blood for natural restoration of level of iron and copper in an organism of the woman. In such combination microcells, fiber and vitamin C is better acquired.
The resulted list of the reasons of occurrence of true deficiencies of vitamins far is not full, but gives the chance to understand complexity of natural dependence of our organism from environment, a way of life, from quality and quantity of food. And if to return to external signs of vitamin trouble it is necessary to remind, that dryness of a skin, for example, it is closely connected with insufficient consumption and mastering of vitamins C, В2, В6, And; a bad condition of hair and nails — the certificate of deficiency of vitamins A and With; pallor of lips is caused by shortage of vitamins C and В2; formation of eels — vitamin A.
As is known, obligatory components of a diet of the sportsman show -
ся vegetables, greens, коренья, fruit and berries in necessary quantity and assortment.
Is minimum necessary quantity of vegetables — 400 г eight naimenova-ny: cabbage, a beet, carrots, turnip (a radish, a garden radish), tomatoes, a cucumber, an onions, ches-nok, and also пряновкусовая greens — fennel, parsley, a celery etc. Fruit, berries it is required 300 г: apples, citron, a currant. This necessary minimum can be increased provided that on each food intake it is necessary gradually. Food intakes there should be not less than four, that will allow to eat volume vegetative food in the small portions for the best comprehensibility.
It is clear, that additional reception of polyvitamins and minerals is possible and necessary not only in known terms in the autumn, in the winter and in the early spring, and at any time year — in the presence of aforementioned factors.


Mineral substances carry out diverse functions in our organism. As structural elements they are a part of bones, contain in many enzymes, катализирующих a metabolism in an organism. Mineral substances are found out in hormones (for example, iodine as a part of hormones of the thyroid
The role of the iron which is a part of haemoglobin of blood is well-known. At its participation there is an oxygen transportation. Mineral substances make active some processes, participate in regulation of kislotno-alkaline balance in blood and other bodies. Sodium and калий take part in transportation of various substances in a cage, providing with it its functioning. The important role mineral substances (калий carry out, calcium, sodium and magnesium) in regulation of function warm and skeletal muscles.
High enough and constant maintenance in biological liquids of salts, first of all salts калия and sodium, promotes preservation in a water cage that is important for its normal functioning and form preservation.
The requirement of an organism for various mineral substances fluctuates over a wide range. The requirement for sodium is highest. The part of this element arrives with products: table salt in daily norm of bread for healthy men contains 3,5 г and 3-5 г it is added in food at its preparation. Thus, for days it is consumed 10-15 г table salt. It is quite enough this quantity for maintenance of requirement of an organism in sodium. Usually chloride sodium (table salt) it is consumed more than it is necessary. Salt add with a view of appetite excitation, it is wide ispol -
зуются the products preserved with addition of salt. The raised consumption of table salt is undesirable, as it leads to thirst occurrence, increase of water consumption and a water delay in an organism. Regular surplus in a table salt diet as have shown scientific researches, promotes increase of frequency of occurrence of hypertensive illness.
Other mineral element, калий, contains almost in all products, the requirement for it is estimated approximately in 4-6 г a day. In a usual set of products contains 5-6 г калия, more which half arrives with vegetables and fruit, including with a potato about 2 Suppliers калия are bread and groats, and also products of an animal origin. Калий — the important cellular element, unlike sodium it does not promote a water delay in an organism. Essential function калия is its participation in regulation of excitability of muscles, first of all a cardiac muscle. The lack калия can lead to occurrence of convulsive reductions of skeletal muscles, decrease сократимости a cardiac muscle and to infringement of a rhythm of warm activity.
At a substantiation of higher maintenance калия in a set of products it is necessary to take into consideration specific features of its exchange in an organism. Under influence nervously-emotional pressure and specific hormonal shifts sportsmen have a raised exit калия from cages in blood and its loss to urine. At regularly repeating periods nervously-emotional pressure in an organism there can be a deficiency калия. Vegetables — the basic source калия, therefore inclusion of vegetables in a daily diet necessarily for all. Sometimes for deficiency indemnification калия use its salts.
Calcium — one of basic elements of our organism. The requirement for this element is rather insignificant — nearby 0,8 г a day. Calcium plays a part in regulation of excitability of nervous system, in the mechanism of muscular reduction, coagulability of blood. In a standard set of products for cooking the maintenance nearby 1,2 г calcium, mainly in products of an animal origin is provided. Calcium salts contains much in dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, cheese. On their share it is necessary more than 60 % of calcium from a set of products. Calcium containing in dairy products is well acquired, from other products it
It is acquired worse. At the raised maintenance of fat in a diet calcium mastering decreases. Some other food substances (щавелевая acid, phytin) also break its exchange.
The great value has the maintenance in phosphorus food, and also its parity with calcium. An optimum parity between calcium and phosphorus — 1: (1,5-2,0 at which both elements are acquired better. The basic quantity of phosphorus of an organism contains in bones. The major makroergi-cheskie connections (АТФ, креатинфосфат, etc.) Being accumulators of energy for maintenance of all functions of an organism, contain phosphorus. It is included also into structure of many other things of substances — fibers-catalysts, nucleinic acids, etc. the Requirement of the adult person for phosphorus makes 1,2 г a day. Phosphorus contains practically in all foodstuff. From products of an animal origin phosphorus is acquired better, than from phytogenesis products, however its maintenance in the last is high enough, therefore grain products and vegetables are good suppliers of phosphorus. With bread and products from the test arrives nearby 0,6 г phosphorus, with groats and pasta — 0,25 г; in vegetables of a standard diet contains nearby 0,33 г phosphorus.
From total of phosphorus more than half arrives with products of an animal origin. High consumption of organic phosphorus; (mainly in the form of lecithin) is one of the factors preventing occurrence of considerable infringements липидного of an exchange and normalising an exchange of cholesterol.
The mineral exchange and requirement for mineral substances are interconnected. Especially clearly it is established concerning calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Magnesium takes part in regulation of excitability of nervous system, reduction of muscles. Magnesium it is required less than calcium, their optimum parity in a diet considers 0,6:1. The requirement for magnesium of the adult person makes approximately 0,4 г a day. The basic sources of this element are bread and groats on which share half of all magnesium is necessary, therefore groats and bread in certain quantities are a part of a daily diet. In vegetables contains 0,14 г* magnesium. In products of an animal origin of magnesium it is less (0,12).
*Здесь and further the maintenance of elements is resulted on 100 г an edible part of a product
Microcells — the big group of chemical substances which are present at a human body and animals in the low concentration expressed in micrograms on 1 г of weight of fabrics. These concentration in tens and hundreds times below concentration of so-called macrocells (calcium, phosphorus, калий, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, sulphur). Microcells make the expressed mutual impact connected with their interaction at level of absorption in a gastroenteric path, transport and participation in various metabolic reactions. In particular, surplus of one microcell can cause deficiency of another. In this connection special value is got by careful equation of diets on their microelement structure, and any deviation from optimum parities between separate microcells can conduct to development of serious pathological shifts in an organism.
At insufficient receipt of mineral components the organism can fill during some time the created shortage by their mobilisation from fabric depots, and at superfluous receipt — deducing increase.
Fabric depots of an organism possess powerful reserves of macrocells (calcium, magnesium — a bone fabric, калий — muscles, sodium — a skin and hypodermic клетчатка) whereas reserves of microcells in fabrics are insignificant. It low adaptable possibilities of an organism to deficiency of microcells in food also speak.
In works of the Russian scientists (V.J.Rusin, V.V. Насолодин) it is convincingly shown, that the exchange of the major microcells is intensified at serious physical activities, and it means, as requirement for them at sportsmen considerably above in comparison with other groups of the population.
The most studied from microcells is iron. The requirement for it of an organism is insignificant: 10 mg a day for men and 18 mg for women. Iron contains in bread (10,0 mg), vegetables (10,5 mg), meat, fish, a bird (on 7,4 mg). With other products (groats, milk, cheese, cottage cheese) gland arrives a little (about 1,3 mg). Mastering of iron is accepted To norm from a diet within 10 %. Though in products of an animal origin less gland contains, it is acquired better. The raised maintenance of iron in a diet can guarantee against undesirable infringements of function кроветворных bodies. Surplus of iron is easily deduced from an organism.
Questions of security of an organism occupy with iron one of the central places in the general problem of an adequate food that is caused, on the one hand, by a specific role of iron, and with another — that circumstance, that железодефицитные conditions — one of the most widespread kinds of food insufficiency even in the advanced countries.
The results of scientific researches received last 10-15 years, have considerably expanded our representations about the importance of iron that the organisation of preventive and medical actions forces to solve in a new fashion in many respects such practical questions, as an estimation ферростатуса sportsmen, at revealing of deficiency of iron, working out of new high-quality medicinal forms of iron, etc.
This problem represents special interest for sports practice as between level of security of an organism iron and physical working capacity establish a direct communication. It is defined by iron participation, first of all, in an aerobic metabolism at level at least its four links:
— Transport of oxygen of blood haemoglobin,
— Transport and oxygen deposition in a muscle миоглобином,
— Transport электронов in a respiratory chain цитохромами and cytochrome-oksidazoj,
— Activity of a number OVER-DEPENDENT дегидрогеназ and сукцинатдегидрогеназы. In case of a lack of iron of an organism all links of an aerobic metabolism, but first of all — system of fabric breath that is caused by very high speed of updating of haemocontaining enzymes, in particular цитохромов suffer. This circumstance gives the basis to assert, that the infringements of a metabolism caused by deficiency gland at level of fabrics, могуг to have more serious biochemical and physiological consequences for display of the maximum physical working capacity, than гематологические.
Danger of development железодефицитных conditions at actively training sportsmen is high enough, that is caused by the reasons both экзогенного, and эндогенного character. Against very big physical and nervously-emotional pressure, first, natural losses of iron from an organism through a gastroenteric path, a kidney and especially through a skin with then considerably increase adaptive synthesis of ferriferous fibers — haemoglobin, миоглобина, цитохромов, iron-dependent дегидрогеназ, secondly, raises.
In gland far not always it is possible to satisfy increase of requirement of an organism for the account of iron of food. In such situations unique possibility of maintenance of high level of functioning железозависимых systems of an aerobic exchange is redistribution of the general pool of iron, first of all, at the expense of reserve, and then — fabric iron of others железозависимых systems. To number of the last now carry immune system, systems коллагенообразования, детоксикации ксенобиотиков (including medical products), инактивации biologically active substances, and also exchange system липидов and нейромедиаторов.
In a close connection with an iron exchange in a human body there is other microcell — the copper which maintenance on the average makes 75-150 mg. Copper is found out in many bodies, its concentration in a liver, a brain, heart and kidneys is highest. The basic quantity of copper (about 50 %) contains, however, in muscular and bone fabrics. The liver contains 10 % from copper total in an organism.
Copper participates in construction of some enzymes and fibers. The copper role in maintenance of physiological and biochemical processes is great at physical activities. It is connected with participation of this microcell in regulation of processes of biological oxidation and generation АТФ, in synthesis of the major соединительнотканных fibers (collagen and elastin) and in an iron metabolism.
Copper — кроветворный a microcell actively participating in synthesis of haemoglobin and formation of others железопорфиринов. Copper function in haemoglobin synthesis is closely connected with iron function. Copper is necessary for transformation of iron arriving with food into integrally connected form, and also for maturing stimulation ретикулоцитов and their transformations in эритроциты. Besides, it promotes carrying over of iron to a bone brain.
The daily requirement for copper makes about 80 mkg/kg for children of early age, 40 mkg/kg — for more senior children and 30 mkg/kg — for adults. Among a foodstuff the copper maintenance is the highest in a liver, and also in products of the sea, leguminous, buckwheat and oat groats, nuts and is very low in milk and dairy products.
In an organism of the adult person enough considerable quantity (2-3) zinc contains. The basic part of zinc is concentrated in bones and a skin. Zinc level is highest in sperm and предстательной to gland. Its concentration also in bones and hair is high enough; in internal bodies it is much less. Zinc is in bodies and fabrics mainly in integrally connected form in the form of easily dissociating connections with fiber.
The biological role of zinc is defined by its necessity for normal growth, development and puberty, maintenance of reproductive function, for кроветворения, вкусовосприятия and sense of smell, a normal current of processes of healing of wounds, etc. Zinc is necessary for normal function of a hypophysis, a pancreas, seed and предстательных glands.
Zinc influences activity of hormones of a hypophysis, adrenal glands and a pancreas. Under the influence of its connections activity гонадотропных hypophysis hormones amplifies. Participation of zinc in realisation of biological action of insulin is established: there are the data testifying, that гипогликемическое insulin action depends on zinc which constantly is present at insulin. Zinc possesses липотропными properties, normalising a fatty exchange, raising intensity of disintegration of fats in an organism and preventing adiposity of a liver.
Such active role of zinc in regulation of an exchange of carbohydrates and fats defines its high importance in a food of sportsmen and athletes, especially at loadings of aerobic character, and the persons, suffering in superfluous weight of a body and a diabetes.
With food the adult person should receive 10-22 mg of zinc a day, pregnant women — 10-30 mg, feeding women — 13-54 mg. The greatest requirement for zinc appears in intensive growth and puberty, and also at physical activities. The basic food sources of zinc: meat, a bird, firm cheeses, and also leguminous and some groats. Zinc level in shrimps and nuts is high. Milk and dairy products are poor zinc.
In an organism of the adult person 12-20 mg of manganese contain. Its level is especially high in a brain, a liver, kidneys, a pancreas.
Manganese is necessary for normal growth, maintenance of reproductive function, processes остеогенеза, a normal metabolism of a connecting fabric. He participates also in regulation carbohydrate and липидного an exchange, actively stimulates cholesterol biosynthesis. Manganese introduction renders гипогликемизирующее action. In blood and fabrics sick of a diabetes concentration of manganese is lowered. Assume, that manganese participates in processes of synthesis or an insulin metabolism.
The important party of biological action of manganese are it lipot-ropnye properties. He warns adiposity of a liver and promotes the general recycling of fat in an organism. Manganese is closely connected also with processes of synthesis of fiber and nucleinic acids. Connection of this microcell with function эндокринных systems, its influence on sexual glands, sexual development and reproduction is established.
Authentic data on physiological requirement of the person in manganese are absent. Assume, that the minimum daily requirement of the adult person for manganese makes 2-3 mg, and recommended level of its consumption — 5-10 mg. As the most typical symptom of deficiency of manganese the weight loss, дерматит, a nausea, vomiting serves expressed гипохолестеринемия, and also. Manganese stimulates growth processes. As display of manganous insufficiency the growth inhibition serves. Thus it becomes clear, that the quantity of manganese adequate to requirements for food is very important at power, developing physical activities, especially at young men.
The manganese maintenance in meat, fish, products of the sea, dairy products, eggs is low, whereas cereals, bean, *
The chrome maintenance in an organism of the adult person is less, than many other things than microcells, also makes only 6-12 mg. Considerable (to 2 mg) the quantity of chrome is concentrated in a skin, and also in bones and muscles. With the years the chrome maintenance in an organism unlike other microcells progressively decreases.
Chrome participates in regulation carbohydrate and липидного an exchange, in maintenance of normal tolerance to glucose. Its role in regulation of a metabolism of cholesterol is appreciable. Introduction of chrome to patients in some cases causes the expressed decrease in level of cholesterol in blood.
Chrome is the activator of some enzymes (фосфоглюкомутазы, трипсина, etc.). Very high maintenance of chrome is revealed in some nukleo-proteidnyh fractions, however the chrome role in a metabolism of nucleinic acids remains not clear.
Chrome contains in a foodstuff in enough low concentration. At the usual mixed food it arrives in an organism in the quantity only slightly exceeding the bottom border of physiological requirement of adult people in the given microcell. At unbalanced construction of diets, a monotonous food quickly enough there is a relative insufficiency of chrome. With a foodstuff the person should receive 200-250 mkg of chrome a day. The chrome maintenance most you-soko in the beef liver, in meat, a bird, leguminous, pearl barley, rye обойной to a flour. The highest biological activity of chrome baking yeast, a liver, wheat flour of a rough grinding differ.
On a level with zinc, manganese, copper and iron chrome is the most valuable microcell in a food of sportsmen at long aerobic on-gruzkah, when a role of carbohydrates and fats in organism power supply sushche -
твенно increases, especially during the competitive period.
In an organism of the adult person 20-50 mg of iodine from which about 8 mg it is concentrated in a thyroid gland contain. The iodine containing in water and pi-shchevyh products in the form of inorganic йодидов, is quickly soaked up in intestines.
Iodine — unique from the microcells known now playing an active role in biosynthesis of hormones. He participates in formation of a hormone of a thyroid gland — тироксина. To 90 % of organic iodine circulating in blood it is necessary on a share тироксина. This hormone supervises a condition of a power exchange, intensity of the basic exchange and level теплопродукции. It actively influences physical and mental development, a differentiation and maturing of fabrics, participates in regulation of a functional condition of the central nervous system and an emotional tone of the person, influences activity of cardiovascular system and a liver. Тироксин co-operates with other glands of internal secretion (in
Features with a hypophysis and sexual glands), the expressed impact on a vodno-salt exchange, an exchange of fibers, липидов and carbohydrates makes, strengthening metabolic processes in an organism.
Insufficiency of iodine at the person leads to development эндемического a craw that testifies to synthesis infringement тироксина and oppression of function of a thyroid gland. This disease has typically эндемический character and arises only in those districts (bio-geochemical provinces) where the iodine maintenance in soil, water and local foodstuff is considerably lowered.
According to separate researches, disease occurrence is connected with maintenance level in soil and local foodstuff of manganese, fluorine, cobalt and other microcells, and also calcium and phosphorus. Great value in craw distribution have the general inferiority of a food and not-sufficiency in a diet of fiber, fat, etc.
In areas of iodic insufficiency эндемическим the craw to the greatest degree amazes children of school age, the young man and the girl in puberty which have a reorganisation эндокринной systems.
In modern social and economic conditions when application of the difficult, expensive mineral fertilizers containing microcells and iodine including, is sharply lowered, the iodine maintenance in a foodstuff, especially in continental regions has fallen also.
Iodine is extended in the nature non-uniformly. Its greatest quantities are concentrated in sea water, in air and soil of seaside areas where the highest maintenance of iodine in local vegetative products (grain is marked, vegetables, a potato, fruit) and in products of an animal origin (meat, milk, eggs). In process of removal from the sea the iodine maintenance in an environment gradually decreases. The least maintenance of iodine in an environment mountain areas where water, the soil, air and local foodstuff are grown extremely poor by iodine differ. The physiological requirement for iodine makes 100-150 mkg a day.
The iodine maintenance in the same products considerably fluctuates depending on its concentration in soil and water in the given district. The iodine maintenance in sea seaweed (to 160-800 mg/100 г in dry ламинарии, 200-220 mg/100 г in dry sea kale) is exclusively high. The iodine Considerable quantity is revealed in sea fish and sea products. The iodine maintenance in meat, dairy products averages about 7-16 mkg/100 г an edible part.
Storage and culinary processing of foodstuff conduct to considerable losses (to 65 %) iodine. At use йодированной salts for preparation of dishes of loss at thermal processing make 22-60 %.
The physiological role of fluorine is considerable in костеобразовании both formation processes дентина and tooth enamel. Sufficient consumption by the person of fluorine is necessary for prevention of caries of a teeth and an osteopo-rose.
Fluorine is non-uniformly distributed in an organism. Its concentration in a teeth makes 246-560 mg/kg, in bones — 200-490 mg/kg, and in muscles does not exceed 2-3 mg/kg. Fluorine plays also the important role in костеобразовании and normalises fosforno-kaltsievyj an exchange. With the years the quantity of fluorine in an organism (mainly in bones) increases. Fluorine adjournment in tooth enamel occurs basically at children's age in the course of formation and growth of a constant teeth.
The daily requirement for fluorine precisely is not established. For an organism in an equal measure are adverse both surplus, and a lack of receipt of fluorine, an optimum of consumption of fluorine is very limited. Superfluous receipt in a fluorine organism causes development флюороза, shown крапчатостью tooth enamel. Флюорозэндемическое the disease arising in those districts where the fluorine maintenance in water exceeds 2 mg/l. The fluorine maintenance in such water can be reduced by means of special processing of water in ионообменниках, providing it дефторирование. Insufficient receipt of fluorine in an organism leads to the defeat of a teeth expressed in intensive development of tooth caries.
Cobalt — one of the major microcells participating in кроветворении. It is involved in formation processes эритроцитов and haemoglobin and thus stimulates кроветворение. Cobalt is a basic material at эндогенном synthesis in an organism of vitamin В12 In the greatest quantity cobalt contains in a pancreas. Apparently, it is connected with function of this gland and participates in insulin formation. The satisfaction of requirement of an organism in vitamin В12 occurs along with its receipt as a part of food also at the expense of synthesis by intestinal microflora from the cobalt also arriving with food. Cobalt in comparison with others
Cobalt is extended in natural foodstuff in small amounts, however at its mixed food allowance it appears enough to satisfy requirement of an organism. This microcell contains in water (river, lake, sea), in sea plants, in an organism of fishes and animals. The requirement of an organism for cobalt is not established yet (roughly 100-200 mkg/sut).
The biological role of nickel is found out insufficiently. In its biological action it is marked much in common with cobalt concerning stimulation of processes кроветворения. Nickel contains in considerable quantities in the vegetative products growing on soils of "nickel" areas, in sea, river and lake water, in an organism land and the majority of sea animals and fishes. Especially it is a lot of it in a liver, a pancreas and a hypophysis. The requirement for nickel is not established.
The basic biological value of strontium consists in construction of bone fabrics in which its maintenance makes 0,024 % in recalculation on ashes.

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Balanced diet of sportsmen

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